In the land of Ninjago peace and happiness abounded, everything was normal like any planet but everything changed with the arrival of a wild and predatory alien race, they were beasts which humans called the "Snoukors", the world was no longer the same since that terrible day, the humans united and fought the monsters in a terrible and bloody war for the planet, but the same beasts released their own weapon, a disease which they called "Chirphonia" a green cloud that sometimes passes On the surface, when humans smell it on themselves, phases of different diseases occur, the world turned gray, all peace was lost, Ninjago divided his land into: North, South, East, West, Northwest, Southwest, West and East. To survive they had to make shelters under the ground since the surface was dangerous, the humans look for the nest of the "Snoukors", to finish them and regain peace on the planet. Will humans make it?