This story is about somebody called Kaitaro who loves causing trouble in his town. Kaitaro is the type of guy who like tresspassing, vandilizing things and many other thing, so he's basically the typical "Bad boy". However, one day, a guy named Akio, decides to stop all this ruckus that Kaitaro has been causing and forces (Blackmails)Kaitaro to allow him to follow Kaitaro basically everywhere to makesure that Kaitaro doesn't cause trouble. At first, the two boys, were total enemies, but as time passed by, they befriended eachother and became pretty good friends, but...One day, Kaitaro eavedroppes on an argument Akio has with another guy, and finds out that Akio is keeping a seceret from him. Kaitaro knows that he needs to find out Akio's seceret before the problem gets out of hand..Will Kaitaro be able to stop the problem and find out Akio's horrible seceret..?Or will it be too late and one of the friends will be forced to betray the other..?
Hiroki's life as of recently has been complete and other.......shit.
His mother, his sister, his best friend, and his girlfriend have been having sex with the man that beat him up and has been bullying him.
He pretty much became a hollow shell of his former self.
But that would all soon change when he runs into a yellow haired guy that convinces him to just leave his old life behind.
And Hiroki actually listens to him and this would be where his friendship starts with this guy and his group known as The Akatsuki and where Hiroki takes on a new name....Sasori Akasuna.
Years pass and he once again finds himself in a very difficult situation.
I do not own anything that is used in this story