20 parts Complete In the aftermath of a robotic invasion over the human species on Earth, a group of people created a new world on a different planet. Since the robots are a failed idea, they created machines to produce humans using the raw materials required to create life, and named them Perfects and called themselves the Lords of this new world. These Perfects are humans who are produced by machines that remove their thinking of freewill and freedom, thereby obeying the Lords' orders without going against them. But nothing is perfect!
The machines occasionally leave the produced humans with a glitch and that gives the Glitchers, freewill. The Lords want them to be dead but they eventually create a place for the Glitchers to live, so that the Lords can study their behaviour and assess the threat that these types of glitches may cause. Also, the people produced in this world are only males.
All the knowledge from Earth is hidden to the Glitchers.
Now, the Glitchers live in various towns in the Glitchers' land called Errania and each town has rules of its own. There is nothing called as a family here. The life of Glitchers is miserable. So, will they find a way for happiness?