Deep in the jungle a young male sayain trots around his Dokutsu as he prepares for labor. Due to sayians needing to fight. Alpha males or leading males tend to carry the young as well as mate with thier chosen female. This way if something were to happen to one of them , the other had a good chance at surving. Also first time sayian moms had more stillborns than first time sayain dads. That and the females, typically head back to their pack after mating season. Unless the female was part of the pack already. His body contracts as he begins to go into labor. after a while of moving around, painful scuffs, and bloodly juices all over the place he sat. The baby was finaly born. It cries filled the air. The male without hesatation picks up his cub and begans to clean it. After serval licks his cubs gender is revealed, it's a girl! But one night, when he makes his way tohis pack. His cub is lost in the attack from a lizard. Now he wanders the jungle waiting or the day his cub will return to him!All Rights Reserved