~disclaimer~ I update pretty rarely on this book nowadays, I hope you still enjoy the many chapters this book has thou! UA's Class 1A are about to go on another internship! This time....in Singapore! They meet new friends, now heroes and....people who have no idea quirks existed?! the legend/Prophecy arises at the mysterious entrance of some strangers from a different universe and now....trouble does too HEYHEYHEYYYY! Please share the book with BNHA fans, I really hope to improve my writing and want to chip in something to the fandom along with my friend. Before people start questioning, this is based on my 13 years of experience in Singapore(ok not really, Magicloud really does happen in Temasek Primary, but its called magic land and its kinda like an educational carnival but idk if anyone outside of school can go in cause the current principle banned the aluminis, the concert never happens irl). Which can vary from where you live. Some of the parts are not well described since its been too long the idea for the story is mine but the main characters (Class 1A, Teachers) are not mine. Names of ProHeroes are a representation of symbols of Singapore.All Rights Reserved