Have you ever wanted, no wished, no yearned to be a guy? (I'm talking to the ladies here)
Have you?
You haven't?
Then why the hell are you reading this book for?
Go on, scram! Scat!
Just kidding. I'm not that cruel. I wont keep doing that. Probably. Not.
For those of you who have (yearned to be a boy that is) , I'm betting you have a specific reason it. I'm also betting is a probably the best reason to want to be one (you think).
Maybe it's because you don't the hassle and fuss of being over emotional (I hate this one).
Or maybe it's the fact that there's no period, no cramps, no pain when losing your virginity, no fear of getting pregnant and no giving birth to winy little children (sorry to say this, but you have to understand, kids are sooo annoying! Even I hated myself when I was that age. Couldn't wait to grow up).
If your answer is anywhere close to these then you'll think mine is just down right wrong.
And I agree. Even I don't know what I was thinking when my subconscious decided this ,but all I know is that when it did, that decision would stay in my life.
Enjoy, if you want , whatever, I don't care.
Tasker kode Zero telah hidup dalam 99 dunia berbeda. Gadis itu menjalankan berbagai misi, mengubah takdir, dan memainkan peran yang tak terhitung jumlahnya.
Kini, di misinya yang terakhir, ia berperan sebagai Selina, putri asli dari keluarga kaya raya.
Jujur saja, ia sudah lelah. Bagaimana kalau ia istirahat saja?
Namun, kali ini Selina terikat pada Sistem Gosip, yang terus-menerus menggoda dengan gosip-gosip terlalu menarik untuk diabaikan.
Masalahnya? Untuk mendapatkan akses ke gosip-gosip tersebut, ia harus men-stalker Dexton, CEO nomor satu yang dikenal dingin dan misterius.
Tapi yang tidak Selina sadari adalah, setiap percakapannya dengan Sistem bisa didengar oleh keluarganya... serta Dexton sendiri.