The only thing that keeps me strong is the stories that I hear about Katniss Mellark. Or Everdeen. She is the girl on fire. There is actually a rumor going around that she is still alive with her husband Peeta. Another rumor going around is that one of her children was picked to be in the games this year.
Before the second war, Panem was divided into 12 districts, each district having a specialty, such as mining, masonry and such. There was also the Capitol, which we still have. The rich. The rest of Panem is basically left to fend for themselves.
Katniss and Peeta were chosen from District 12 for the 74th Hunger Games. They were the final two tributes and had threatened to commit duel suicide, forcing the capitol to allow two Victors, humiliating them and giving the rebels a spark. That spark spread like wildfire, igniting the rightfully angry. The rebels. To show these rebels that even the strongest among them is nothing against the power of the Capitol, the 3rd Quarter Quell replaced the town’s tributes, with a female and male victor from every district. Katniss and Peeta went back into the arena, caught off guard after getting married, and expecting a child. In the arena, Katniss miscarried. Rebels somehow managed to help all of the remaining tributes escape the arena, and all of Panem went into war.
No one speaks of what happens next. To me, it is a mystery.
None the less, this year, the Capitol has reformed itself completely. This year, is the first year that The Hunger Games came back.