The story unfolds as childhood friends Zoey and Wanda reconnect after years apart, leading to the introduction of Zoey's brother, Ryan. As Wanda becomes a frequent visitor, she introduces Ryan to her best friend, Kate, triggering a series of events. Ryan, typically reserved, is drawn to Kate, eventually sparking a desire to know her better.
The narrative takes a turn when Ryan seeks Wanda's help to connect with Kate, leading to a blossoming friendship between them. However, complications arise as Ryan's feelings deepen, and he discovers Kate's connection to Jacob. The story explores love, friendship, and the challenges faced by the characters as they navigate emotions, family expectations, and unexpected twists in their relationships.
As the tale progresses, the characters experience the highs and lows of love. The autumn camp, a pivotal moment in the plot, brings jealousy, new connections, and revelations. The introduction of Jacob adds a layer of complexity, leading to emotional conflicts and heartbreaks. The climax builds up to Kate's wedding, marking a poignant farewell between Ryan and Kate.
The narrative skillfully weaves themes of love, sacrifice, and the inevitable challenges life presents in relationships. The emotional depth of the characters, coupled with unexpected turns, creates a captivating and relatable storyline.
The final encounter we shared on the New Year's Eve night served as our silent farewell, your goodbye subtly woven into the unspoken words we exchanged.
Started writing on :9 November 2020
Finished writing on:21 november 2020
Revised : February 6 2024
Rosie is meant to hate famous rockstar Will O'Connor, who killed her father in a car crash, but she finds herself falling in love instead.
Rock sensation, Will O'Connor is in the prime of his career when he unintentionally kills a man in a car accident. Full of remorse, he must come to terms with his non-guilty verdict. People-pleasing Rosie Montgomery dedicates her life to making others happy. Following her father's death in Will's crash, she becomes desperate to keep her family intact. But when Will and Rosie accidentally meet at her father's grave, there's an undeniable bond. Can they ignore the rest of the world and go after what their hearts most desire? And most importantly - can either of them handle the consequences?
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