(Y/N) (L/N) may look like a normal girl, but she's different from everyone else. She's smart, into sciences and workshops, like to create things, she even can easily repair a car with no sweat. Her father is the one to thank, since he taught her how to fix things from the early age of 7.
Since his passing 10 years ago, (Y/N) didn't have much of a say to live with her mother, who despises the fact that she refuses to leave her hobbies. However, she ends up in an adventure of a lifetime when she stumbles across a strange device her father had invented before his death. The use of this machine lands her in another world, much like her own but filled by humans with prostethic parts, also known as robots.
With the device now broken, (Y/N)'s hope rests in the hands of a blue-haired robot, who's determined to help outmodes shine no matter what they're made of...