"How Much More Do I Need" adalah lagunya Gogang, yang dipakai sebagai background music di movielog Lee Min Ho episod 2. Mengapa Lee Min Ho memilih lagu itu? Apakah hanya karena dia suka lagunya ? Atau ada pesan yang ingin disampaikan? Semua pasti punya pendapat sendiri, dan aku ingin berbagi interpretasiku. Semoga berkenan :) 😊 ============================= "How Much More Do I Need" is a song from Gogang, which is used as the background music in Lee Min Ho's movielog episode 2. Is there a special reason for him to choose that song, other than that he likes it and because the mood is so fitting with the whole video? Well, here is my interpretation of the lyrics. Hope you enjoy it :) 😊All Rights Reserved