Believe us or not, the importance of speed maths is way much more than we think like for example, people who excel at mathematics use better approaches than the rest of us, they don't certainly have better brains. And guys here in this article you will find your all answers like, what you have to learn, from whom you have to learn and much more.
Do you people know that greek philosophy on mathematics, was strongly influenced by their study of geometry? please don't worry about it you can know and learn all of it with Jain 108 Academy, you guys can learn it all for being a better version of yourself and being successful as well.
The methods like speed mathematics promote a better perception of basic mathematical principles, students apply principles they already know in ways they had never imagined possible. And find why Pythagoras said Sacred Geometry was the most important science, art, and philosophy for a healthy civilization to learn.
Here you'll learn what Sacred Geometry is!
It's an energetic amplifier on multiple dimensions. What you set in is what you receive out, amplified. It's the key to origin and manifestation. It can be found everywhere in the entire Universe and nature.
Many projects require the strength to visualize what is needed inside a certain space. Some people think in shapes and sizes whilst others conceive with visual abilities, So excel in it with Jain 108 Academy.
The more accessible the method you use to answer a problem, the quicker you will solve it and there is less risk of making a mistake.
Speed Mathematics teaches easy methods that will allow you to make lightning calculations in your head including multiplication, division, addition, and much more. Learning methods on how to do math instantly can assist students to develop higher self-esteem in math, improve math skills and perception, and excel in advanced courses with Jain 108 Academy.