It was the year 37 after Gaia's awakening. Any other way of specifying the year had become unimportant. It was 37 years ago that Gaia, our own mother earth, turned against us. Gaia was once the name with which the mother earth was associated, which gave us fertile earth and brought us a variety of plants and animals. Up until 73 years ago, this belief had hardly been paid much attention to and many people had never heard the name Gaia before. But one day a well-known television station reported that a strange substance appeared all over the world. This substance was able to mutate animals and plants at breakneck speed. But it soon became clear to all of us that this substance was our downfall. The substance spread unstoppably all over the world. It just burst out of the ground and let everything it touched mutate. In the beginning, neither humans, animals nor plants survived the touch of the so-called "tears". Various churches and beliefs believed that the strange substance was the tears of Gaia who wanted to take revenge on the world and humanity. The people had ruined and polluted the world for too long and within a very short time the big cities of the world were totally devastated by Gaia's tears. Nature took back what belonged to it with all might and showed no mercy. If you like what I do then you are welcome to donate me a coffee. You can find the link for small donations (and I mean small donations!) here: Rights Reserved