7 parts Ongoing In a dystopian future, Jude has spent her entire life in an underground bunker, believing that the outside world is uninhabitable due to a deadly virus. Raised under the strict doctrines of the council, which includes her devout parents, Jude's curiosity about the world above is ignited when she overhears a shocking conversation: the virus is a lie, and the bunker's life support systems are failing.
Determined to uncover the truth, Jude confides in her closest friends-Ella, Leo, and Maya. The group, bonded by their shared skepticism and longing for freedom, devises a daring plan to escape the bunker. They aim to find evidence of the council's deception and secure a future for their people. They are ready to face the unknown world above, driven by a determination to find the truth and save their community from the web of lies that has ensnared them for generations.