(NOTE FRON AUTHOR............TRIGGER WARNING REED AT YOUR OWN RISK AND DON'T BLAME ME IF THE EFECTS YOU IN ANY WAY BECAUSE I WARNED YOU) My name is grey and I'm gay. I've never been excepted by my family. All they see me is as the problem child. They abuse and lock me tie down with chains. In my room to keep me in line. They don't love me My name is Gold-horn. Hold o. Don't go yet it gets interesting. You know I not a normal being not human I mean I wonder how people would react if they found out what I am , who i'am. Oh god the pain I. There faces, the anguish, oh there disgust. What would they think of me. Your probably wondering who my family are; let me tell you, no I don't wanna talk about it. My family see me as the problem child