How are the twins and my beloved wife? PLAGIATHOR PLEASE STAY AWAY !! "Come out, honey! It's useless hiding, I'll find you!" William kicked the table where Vani was hiding so strongly that the table fell, shaking Vani's thundering heart. "Found it too." chintia screamed in pain when William grabbed his shoulder tightly. It felt as if the shoulder was about to fall off. He struggled but was unable to loosen William's grup "Where are you going to run away? You can't run away, because you're mine, Baby .... chintia's tears spilled, wanted to scream for help but her mouth was locked so tightly seeing William's deadly gaze. "It hurts,liam Let it go! It hurts." The girl moaned with increasingly louder tears "Oh, it turns out my grip is hurting my wayward girl. All right because I love you I'll take it off, but choose your present first, darling! A knife or a razor?" It feels like chintia wants to die. The choice that the man gave was no good. Both were so painful chintia didn't know which one to choose "liam I beg you, I'm sorry." "I accept your apologies, but answer first. Do you want a gift using a knife or razor?" Updates every Sunday night to accompany the singles love you readers William scratches cruel # 266 - ❤All Rights Reserved
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