Lilah Desmarias had been anticipating her 18th birthday ever since she found out what a Filipino debut was: fancy coming of age ball, formal attire, dance numbers, and just a big, grand night. Before she knew it, the planning stages were almost over, and it was a week before the party, the day of her real birthday. Little did she know, she would be forced into the middle of a war between two descendant lines of two important Filipino demigods: Mayari, the Moon Goddess, and her brother, Apolaki, the Sun God, who had fought over who got to rule the Earth in the myth that spoke of how night and day came to be. The two descendant lines had been enemies for centuries, one believing that their ancestor won the fight fair and square, and the other line separating, running, and hiding in hopes to save their lives. To add to the crazy, she finds out they're all on a hunt for Mayari and Apolaki reincarnations, who are rumored to come back for a second battle, this time without a sibling bond to hold the two back.
Now Lilah's life is between the mythological world she had learned to be more reality than myth, and the normal human life she was living, full of boy troubles and decisions about college.
The primordial Void exists everywhere, engulfing us in its wake. The creatures that dwell in there know only destruction and hagemony. Now they come for us. The Void must expand.
Vali has something inside of him, a force beyond his comprehension. Death follows him wherever he goes. His family call him a curse.
Maybe the only way to stop death is to embrace it...
Now Vali must get stronger in another world full of powerful humans, learn to rein in the Eldritch Creature inside of him, and repel the "goddess" that reincarnated him.
The Cursed Child and the Condemner of Sinners might just be a match made in hell.