This takes place after civil war. Spiderman was not found or recruited by Ironman. Peter is 14 and just started high school. It is now only a few months after the death of Ben. May is struggling with 2 jobs and her own health conditions. Peter gets a part time job to work as a dishwasher at a restaurant with May's permission as anyone below 16 needs parental permission to work. May only allowed it after Peter promised he will not use the money to pay bills but he will use it for his own needs such as extra pocket money. Money he is earning will be used to buy new Legos or going to the movies with Ned. But Peter plans to help out anyway. In hopes to avoid the media Tony and Pepper are out on a dinner date in Queens. Tony of course reserves the entire restaurant for his dinner. Special arrangements are made for his high paying request. Only one chef, the manager and according to Tony's request, only the most helpful waiter is suppose to be at the shop. Which is none other than Peter Parker.All Rights Reserved