The tallest male at the head of the table smirks when he sees his deck, he takes the cigarette out of his mouth, smoking trailing out as he exhales from his slightly parted lips. Tensions rise with the actions of this man, Though a white haired male remains passive, watching the one in black and purple carefully. Pressure increases as the time has come to place their bets. An older chubbier man makes the first move, Sweat glistening down his bald head. Once the chubbier man pulls his hand back a black skinned male with a toned body moves a little amount of chips. The girl clinging to his arm like a leech rests her head on his shoulder wanting this to end so she could get her pay. The rest follow with much hesitation feeling like anvils have dropped into their stomachs. Next, The head of the table is about to make his mark, He grins slyly and puts all his chips in without hesitation like his prior components. "Come now boys. Don't tell me you want to pull out." His deep husky yet charming voice filled the room not letting a spec untouched as his one seeing eye snakes around the room. Already knowing what he'll see. Uncertainty filling this void. Chuckling to himself at the sight before him then checking his watch. "Are we wasting your time Dracarys. " A spiteful voice prodded at the taller male. This particular ash blonde was not to be underestimated to say the least. Hyde-Zero Co-Head Of 1A. The towering male, Dracarys, Smiles unsettlingly in response which gave Hyde shivers "Of course not. I just have some.. business to take care of that is all" he remarked in his charming voice. They stared at each other for a few minutes then they see Dracarys put his cards down. The dealer responded with "Dracarys has won." A phone interrupts the silence which followed the dealers words. Dracarys looks at his phone, placed on the side of the board, Caller ID read 'Crusty' and he growls under his breath going outside to take the call.All Rights Reserved