London, in the year 2100. A divided world. Alex is a Skyborn, raised in luxury the glass towers of the citadel by her scientist father. Con is a pickpocket from Trashtown. Their lives collide when Alex's father stumbles on a deadly conspiracy and has to flee for his life. Together they must find a way to outwit the deadly assassins of the Aries Corporation, save Alex's father and the whole human race. Take a trip though the rusting junk of our civilisation, in the days After the Flood. Follow the shadow paths. Dive into the mythic space beneath the data matrix. Meet Halloween Jack, fire breathing spiders, a super intelligent talking cat, mechanical bees and a Ferrari velociraptor. New chapters will be added weekly. NB The first draft of this book was written in 2018. Any similarity (however uncanny) to current events is entirely coincidental (seriously). One of the subplots of Ghostcode revolves around a global pandemic. If you don't want to read about that sort of stuff then this might not be the story for you. In light of the events of 2020 I seriously thought about editing this thread of the story out but, in the end, I decided that it would detract from the book. It is strange how art can predict reality. It happens far more often than it should do by the laws of chance alone. Try reading Ender's Game (Orson Scott Carr), written in the 1970s, which predicts the shape of the internet and modern social media with amazing accuracy. Watching the TV series Black Mirror I have several times wondered if Charlie Brooker had access to a time machine. (He did - it's called "Imagination") This book was not conceived as fan fiction, but... If you can spot all the references to a certain rock star you get extra points.All Rights Reserved