In the Warring States Era, tailed-beasts roamed the untamed lands - causing destruction in their wake. Hashirama of the Senju sets out to unite the feuding shinobi clans to create an era of peace and to end the strife forced upon them. Together, with his brother Tobirama and a powerful Uzumaki heiress named Mito, he begins his journey to achieve his lifelong dream of unity. Gaining the trust of the rival Uchiha clan would prove challenging - especially since another major war was waiting beyond the horizon. [ON HIATUS]Bảo Lưu Mọi Quyền
In the Warring States Era, tailed-beasts roamed the untamed lands - causing destruction in their wake. Hashirama of the Senju sets out to unite the feuding shinobi clans to create an era of peace and to end the strife forced upon them. Together, with his brother Tobirama and a powerful Uzumaki heiress named Mito, he begins his journey to achieve his lifelong dream of unity. Gaining the trust of the rival Uchiha clan would prove challenging - especially since another major war was waiting beyond the horizon. [ON HIATUS]
3 parts