Writing is my therapy. My mouth does not need to move and my vocal cords do not need to vibrate. The pencil provides a silent language where there is no struggle to speak a hard to communicate message. The paper on which I record my thoughts and feelings is my therapist, who carries no judgement and is the best listener. I can sort through my emotions like I'm placing them into a filing cabinet and better understand them, being my own teacher and student. Writing isn't just a hobby or a passion of mine, it's a lifeline, helping to stabilize my mental state. Within my own safe space, writing allows me to be my own therapist. So, every time I pull out a pencil and paper, I attend a therapy session where I am both the patient and the therapist.
This is my second poetry collection. These poems and vignettes do not directly correlate with each other, but they can relate on the tone and message. I love constructive criticism and positive comments if you have any.