Beatrix La Salle, the Original Heretic, was not expecting to be trapped in a prison world with a siphon sociopath, but after three hundred years of Mikaelson family drama, what was she anticipating instead?
Love interest(s): Kai Parker, Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson
with Cenit Nadir as Beatrix La Salle
TVD S6 / TO S2 and onward, with flashbacks based on history shown in The Originals.
All credit for original characters and original plot goes to Julie Plec for The Vampire Diaries and The Originals television series. I own only my OCs and select scenes not from the show. Thank you Julie, for creating the series. Thank you all, for reading.
Written from: Nov 18, 2020 - Jan 30, 2021
Highest Ratings :
#1 klausmikaelsonxoc
#1 klausmikaelsonfanfic
#1 kaiparkerxoc
#1 elijahmikaelsonxoc
#2 elijahmikaelson
#2 kaiparkerfanfic
#2 elijahmikaelsonfanfic
#2 heretic
#3 tvdfanfic
#10 marcelgerard
Trapped for a thousand years in a coffin, only to be awoken by the brother of the person she'd been hidden from in the first place. It seemed her only option was to align herself with a man who could help her find out where the time had gone, at the price of committing a murder.
Love interest: Klaus Mikaelson (and briefly Damon Salvatore)
with Christina Nadin as Esmeray Poldark
TVD S2 and onward.
All credit for original characters and original plot goes to Julie Plec for The Vampire Diaries and The Originals television series. I own only my OCs and select scenes not from the show. Thank you Julie, for creating the series. Thank you all, for reading.
Written from: Mar 26, 2021 - Jun 9, 2021
Highest Ratings :
#1 klausmikaelson
#1 klausmikaelsonfanfic
#1 klausmikaelsonxoc
#1 werewitch
#1 thesalvatores
#2 niklaus
#4 niklausmikaelson
#23 thevampirediaries