Love shouldn't be selfish, but often we find it hard to be selfless. An innocent love is pure, but fragile. An extreme love is rare, but destructive. Love gives happiness, contentment and peacefulness. It gives you the best feeling, shows you the best moments in life. That is love, the white side of love.
What makes love painful? Lies. Pretence. Boundaries. Expectations. Obessession. Unfaithfulness. Incontentment. But for most, love itself.
To love, you should be willing to take its both sides. To smile while crying, to laugh while breaking, to fight until it works, to stay despite the pain.
This is our infamous little story where;
One, hated
One, cared
One, left
One, waited
One, hoped
One, missed
One, loved
One, failedAll Rights Reserved