This is a new crossover series with the first season having sixty contestants with the first and second generation cast of Total Drama (minus Blaineley and other adult contestants) with 23 new contestants/trainers from Japan entering the fray as they will compete in sub teams, explore the regions of the Pokémon World, earning gym badges, battling evil organizations, saving the world and for a chance at winning 10 MILLION DOLLARSSS!!!!! Brought to ya by XYZ Entertainment. Season 1 : Number of Contestant Trainers: 60 Current Saga(s) Legend of Kanto Saga (Episode 001 - Present) Legend of Johto Saga Legend of Hoenn Saga Legend of Sinnoh Saga Legend of Unova Saga Zankuga Tournament Saga Season 2 (Coming Soon): Number of Contestant Trainers: 30All Rights Reserved