Cleo Meynard, aka Agent #6742, has just been assigned to investigate a powerful group of individuals named Power Seras, individuals that simply by existing, keep the universe going, given powers beyond belief. The world is growing anxious with the rise of a sole spree killer, having slaughtered thousands already, so anxious in fact that APSRA has decided to go on a whim and send Agent #6742 to see if any of the Power Seras have the potential to be the spree killer. Cleo however, has other plans, he already knows exactly who his guy is, but he wants to see where their story ends, or at least pauses...and besides, he was chosen to undertake this case for a very specific reason, APSRA won't be able to stop him as long as he eventually completes his assignment in the first place, right?
This is an interactive story that depending on audience interaction, will determine the end of the planned second book. This series is either going to have a total of 5 books planned( The first being this one, second being the sequel and ending to the first, the third being the next generation of Power Seras, the fourth being determined what exactly it will follow depending on the seconds' finale, and a fifth book to wrap everything lorewise in a bow.) or follow a publishing manner similar to Rick Riordan books where multiple books will cover 1 story I wish to tell.
Two women, two different universes and one ambition: to find each other. Enter the world of Cleo, who faces repetitive lucid dreams of this mysterious girl, while living in a world where humans become almost artificial. With nothing but her magical amulet and her backpack, she must trek through her world to find the girl in her dreams while avoiding the Search Patrol officers who are after her. In a drastically different timeline, lives Fei, the daughter of a wealthy family. Forced to restrict her powers from a young age, Fei has brought herself to the image of her reputation. However, her life takes a turn when her father is immediately murdered on the night he announced his will. Throughout this chaos, she finds herself connecting with another woman through her dreams. Will Cleo and Fei be able to meet each other? Will Cleo be forced to comply and become artificial as a machine? Will Fei be murdered along with her family? Enter a book filled with a murder mystery, adventure and tragic losses, the journey is filled with wonders!
*None of the pictures in this book belong to me*