"The story revolves around a girl named 'lexi'. Who is a big dreamer her first dream comes true when she got admitted to the well renowned college of London. But she did not knew about the difficulties that are coming ahead on his way with many of her dreams coming true . It's not that easy as it looks as you know With big dreams comes great difficulties . So ,the same goes with her you will love to she how she tackle all this by know as the quietest girl in the school .'How she tackle with this '!?. And how she accidentally meet the first love of her love which she didn't knew that it's going to stay forever with many accidental events ahead to her way ".♥️❤️♥️❤️
NOTE - [ The characters and the location names in the story are different from the real names as per subject to the privacy . But the story is as it is same.
I only added a bit of touch in the story to gain the interest of the readers & viewers ].♡♡(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡♡
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