There once was a family that had to move to s unpleasant house it smelled like death they had to get over it because they had to get a house so the first night they spent in the house right as they almost was asleep they heard a giggle and then they heard a band start playing they went don stairs and it was 5 seconds of summer playing in there basement they started freaking out especially their 16 year old daughters she was going nuts so they just grabbed a chair then they heard 3 knocks on the door and you would never guess who it was it was 1direction they started to have a sing off the people who moved in was the father mark the mother was Lisa the two daughters was Emily and kasey. Emily was the nice one but kasey was the mean one man she was mean. We heard another knock on the door it was the beetles now it was three people having a sing off it was so loud in there that pictures started falling off the walls and BAMMMMMMMM TO BE CONTINUEDAll Rights Reserved