Millicent Davis in an young beautiful & smart woman & one of the best Undercover cop of the town. Instead of all her life problems, she pretends to be happy. After her father's death 11 years ago, her life changed completely. So did the people closest to her. Her life swings again when she meets Chase Adams, the hot, tempting, irresistible, the best undercover cop she's ever seen & her boss. Though they felt a strong pull of attraction towards each other, Mellicent's thought of being his employee & Chase's 'no strings attached' ego kept them avoiding each other for a long time. But, when they're both tired of pushing each other away & about to give into the love they felt, another horrible tragedy changes their life all over again. Mistake, fight, guilt, hurt & hatred fills their life & pushes them so far away. Will they ever catch each other again? Will their love again bring them together? Or will they never look back & hate each other more than ever?