Loki's upset with everything in his life ending up in somewhat the same pattern. Ever Since his attack on NY, his life has been nothing more than. Escaping prisons on both Asgard and earth, ending up hunted down and thus having a fight with earths mightiest heroes. Even their so called mutants had gotten involved at times. However this time he has escapes Asgard newly invented cage for him, by traveling a wanky path trough the roots of Yggdrasil that had left him physically quite wacked up. Instead of running from places to places and ending up fighting the Avengers, Shield, or anyone who's after him again, he chooses another path. To be an American citizen and be as normal as possible. Meeting new people, and facing everyday situations. Along with using his magic only if necessary, that way they can't track him via his magical signature. Will his new environment help him overcome his past trauma's and fiascos? Or will it attract even more trouble? And what when he falls in love with a cop? Will she notice that something's off? (sorry I suck at summaries. Also I am going to finish the series! And it's going to be humorous (I try) / adventurous with action) Their will be original characters! But also a lot of the avengers when the story progresses. Also a sorry note, cause I am not planning on sexual things. I just really want to make a good what If story for fun reading and laughing. (there will be a bit of a Lucifer vibe in a way. Also weekly updates at minimum or relatively daily updates at best!) Cameos of people who do really exist will happen too. (just for a bit of humour.) Also I am not above begging for comments. I'm verry insecure about my writing and storytelling. (# I am dyslectic but I try to correct as good as I can.) You can always contact me if you like my ideas. Insta ; (lokanie.ooms) Have fun!Public Domain