Ashes // D.D [ Anguish sequel ]
8 Kapitel Laufend After months of running from the dead, Willow and the group find themselves turning every corner within the county of Coweta, Georgia. Winter is nearly over and spring is on its way. The group must find a place for Lori Grimes to give birth, but it appears no place is safe from the ever-growing amount of Walkers. As food becomes scarce and the group becomes depleted; Willow suggests a prison just west of where they stood.
Despite Willow's bravery and suggestions; the group sees the woman and her youngest sister Jodie Hunter as threats. Their immunity to the Wildfire Virus is a point of jealousy and fear. As the sisters struggle with the fact, thirteen-year-old, Sophia Peletier, toils with her mother's traumatic death - completely blocking out the truth and referring to Willow and Daryl Dixon as her parents.
Amongst the chaos, Daryl keeps his attention on Willow. Wanting more out of their awkward and confusing feelings. As the pair continue to scratch at the surface of their sentiments, Jodie and Aya finally become official after weeks of spending much of their time together.
While the two sisters do their best to live in the lives that were given to them-their father, Will Hunter, hunts for them in the shadows. Desiring nothing more but to put an end to his past mistakes.
- anguish sequel
- seasons: 3-4
- daryl x oc
- spoilers ahead
- follows television closely with twists from the comics and my ideas.
• Published: August 17th, 2022
• Finished: --/--/----