Alexander Hamilton is an overambitious bankrupt individual that got to the titanic by winning a lottery, sailing from Southampton, England to New York. He acts giddily and excited to reach his goals--in reality, he never takes care of his health, and buries himself in work to avoid any harsh memories and anything real. Washington had sent him to the States to see prospects for growing business despite Alexander's protests. Everyone who loved and care about him is dead, he faces loneliness and many times hopelessness on his own.
He hates ships and oceans, and seagulls too. That is...until he meets someone else.
Aaron Burr, silent yet clever, is a quick witted lawyer that is almost too serious, and freaks out Alexander. Life has hardened his heart, seeing that everyone who ever seemed to even mildly care about him would die. He's emotionally conflicted, and has deteriorated his own goals. The reason for the Titanic, was his boss John Adams--and the death of his sister in New York.
Aaron is broken...but is secretly a sweet cinnamon roll that cares too much about people he loves.
Art isnt mine but I designed the cover.
Warning: Language, angst, mentions of self harm and suicide, do NOT read if sensitive.
Alexander Hamilton, the embodiment of evil, the Devils right hand man, torturer of souls and killer of the weak. He flies through the human world killing people who's times run out. He loves his job and follows every rule the Devil gives him. Hell is his rightful home.
One day Alexander is asighed to take a soul from a teenage boy, John Laurens who is about to commit suicide, but instead of taking Johns soul, he saves it. Alex doesn't know why he's helping the boy out. but John is so...unique. In his own way. Without realizing it Alexander became some sort of guardian to this guy, and does what he can to protect him.