"Really?" all the colour drained from her face immediately he came in view. There was a gush or rush or whatever it's called in her whole system, she was simply stiff and couldn't move. He won't ever do that! She trusts him beyond that, not to her, not to Diana, ever ever. Whatever she felt from anyone else didn't matter, from her uncle, from her mom and dad all these years she didn't care, the only thing her mind and whole system is feeling right now is Betrayal. Fuck that shit! People aren't to be trusted, the main reason she was always hard from the start. And for the first time he made her feel something that's different from smiling and laughing, he made her feel something that's different from a queen, princess or an angel, isn't making her feel on top of the world, isn't taking her to cloud nine, the first time he isn't wiping the tears from her face. He was literally making her cry. She couldn't be strong, Damn! She was broken, far beyond the way she was when her mom left her or when she found out about her dad. The first tear dropped from her eye, then the second, then the 3rd. If this was the definition of love shouldn't she be running of? How come she's ready to brace up for it and continue the journey. How come her heart is yearning for an explanation and for a sorry. Why can't she seem to hate him immediately, why is she giving him a second chance merely looking at his eyes. She's doomed, she's done for, she has lost.
SHE has fallen into the deep bottomless pit of love
She has fallen never to hit the solid ground
But little did she know, what she's feeling is a tip of an iceberg of his feelings for her, if only she could read his mind and eyes. She has dragged him into her world and has made everything meaningless to him, she has made him not know who even himself has become
They have both fallen,
They have fallen, damning the uncertainties, prisoners to the dark lurid moods of love
Destined to fall forever,
Together. 👫💕
Big Twist