Sequel to Pretty Hurts (August Alsina Love Story). Please read Pretty Hurts first. August and Serenity Alsina a married couple who has their marriage and soon to be family on the line. Serenity deep inside wamts to fight for the little they have left not only for the sake of their family but for the love she has for August. August, a soon to be father, is angry at himself for the destruction he is caused. "You two want a seperation? Am I correct?" " Why August? Why!" "This shit doesn't bother you does it Serenity?" Steelo must have been fucking with your head latley." "I can't and I want do this alone! If my child is set up to grow up without a father it's abortion or adoption. Because I can't do this by myself." Copyright © xoTreaceox, 2014 All rights reservedAll Rights Reserved