After 65 million years an alien named Zayto is awoken after a base is attacked by creatures known as the Sporix Army. After Zayto and two new people, Ollie and Amelia become the Power Rangers, they recruit siblings, Javi and Izzy to become the Black and Green Power Rangers... What lies in store for this team however when another set of siblings, Joshua and Hannah Kole become the Cyan and Yellow Power Rangers how will they hold up against the team, each other, and evil? ⚠️ will contain the kishiryu sentai ryusoulger's in a few episodes ⚠️ including ocs, aki (ryusoul cyan), rie (ryusoul yellow) and mia (ryusoul lime) ⚠️ if you are not interested in this please ignore them or just skip those chapters, when they are in the chapter i will put a 🚩 thank you and i hope you enjoy~Creative Commons (CC) Attribution
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