Love The Way You... LIE? I reached down the side of the sofa pretending to grab my phone but really it was to get out of his reach. I know we were 'Dating' but it doesn't feel that way. I just felt like we were friends before but now we are 'dating' we are losing that friendship spark. I hate that word or should I say I firmly and truly dislike that word 'Dating.' its a stereotypical world out there and I don't want to get involved. Maybe when I'm older but not when I'm 16 and still looking at hot guys with their shirts ON and not half way to china. I don't want my friends to beg my 'boyfriend' to hug me or kiss me I just want to be in that moment when we both feel the same way about one another and then BAM it just comes out and I love it just the way his lips fall on to mine or the way that he is so close I can feel his warmth. I've never had that. All these girls telling me they had their first kiss when they were 8 and all all I think is was it even real. They tell us not to loveAll Rights Reserved