Note: this is an unofficial version of the original WebToon. All credit for the characters and dialogue goes to Wendy Lian Martin, Eunice Baik and the wonderful people involved in the original comic. Link to the original comic: Please, if you can, do follow Ms. Wendy Lian Martin on her Instagram account (@wendylianmartin); I assure you, you will not regret it. She is simply stunning, and recently passed 100,000 followers, more than well-deserved might I add. Also, note: while the characters are most definitely not my own creations, I am using my original artwork, specifically made for this little project I am undertaking. This does not, however, discredit Wendy Lian Martin from her original characters or her original comic; this is just a private agreement the author and I had to not use copyrighted artwork. I would also like to just give a special mention to my friends who helped edit and advise me on some *nuances* I overlooked or just . . . needed to add.