50 جزء
undefined أجزاء إكمال للبالغين✨mOlD iS gOoD fOr YoU iTs JuSt A nAtUrAl oRgAnIsM✨
✨But you..Don't like freedom very much now do ya cupcake?✨
✨bOnG wAtEr?✨
✨what the fffff fu- fudggee✨
✨straight up like the Spanish, just bon voyage!✨
Imagines of our favourite blonde, The one and only JJ Maybank!
Warning: includes topics that could make some readers uncomfortable. These Topics include things like: Abuse, Self harm, Drug use, cuss words, sexual interaction, manipulative and toxic relationships, Death, traumatic events, etc. I do not want to put anyone in a position where they are uncomfortable reading my book, if you feel that any of these topics could be triggering please refrain from reading this book. <3
I do not stand for Hate so please do not spread it on my page, or anywhere for that matter. All Hate will be blocked removed from my comments and you will be blocked from my page. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's that simple. There's no need to put others down just cause you don't enjoy my writing.
I do work hard on these chapters so it would be very kind of you if you could not steal my work. I put time and effort into making this and I would greatly appreciate if I got the credit for it.
Ps: please leave comments!!! I love nothing more than to post a chapter and read all the funny and sweet comments you guys leave it literally makes my day! <3
There's most likely spelling mistakes in here so I'm sorry, and if you come across them be sure to leave a message and I'll fix it! Suggestions are always open, and if you notice something you don't like about my writing let me know and I will change it. I would love to hear what you guys think about my writing because I do hope to become better in the future. Ok enough babbling lets go fantasize about JJ!