After awhile I think I was suppose to say something. I really do think I was. But I didn't, I sat there feeling numb with this emptiness around me. Everyone was staring at me, waiting for me to say something. Even blink for that matter, but I still didn't say anything. I got up and walked out. The numbness was still there while I walked, I think I'll always feel that, but the cool crisp air from outside made me feel something. It was the first thing I've felt in awhile. I'm just wishing for Hope. Hope Evans has had a rough year but no one in their right minds will bring it up to her. Everyone just stares and whispers instead. Her parents walk on egg shell with her, her teachers give sympathetic looks and hugs, and she goes through her days in a daze. Then enters someone new, someone who asks the questions everyone avoids. Who doesn't walk on egg shells with her and who hugs her even more then she needs to be. Someone who brings the old Hope back but uncovers all the darkness from the past year. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This story starts out kind of slow and seems boring, but I promise it gets better. Give it a chance and I'm sure you'll love it!