Five years after the fall of the Galactic Empire, the criminal network continues to expand. Two lonesome bounty hunters earn individual reputations for themselves within the Bounty Hunter's Guild and team up on their biggest job yet. Unfortunate circumstances keep them connected, and as they learn to work as a team they find themselves bedding deeper into something bigger and more dangerous than they'd ever expected, all while discovering passions they'd never known existed in their hearts. "Go, Ner Kar'ta. Go." "I'm not leaving you." "What does that mean? Ner Kar'ta?" "It means... Um... My Heart." Spoilers for The Mandalorian - All Episodes [As the author of this story, I forfeit all rights of ownership to the Star Wars Franchise, Lucas Films, and Disney. I do not own any script or credit for the show The Mandalorian featured on Disney Plus. I do not own any of the characters featured in The Mandalorian or any other characters referenced within the capacity of the world of Star Wars created by George Lucas. All credit for the work and development goes to Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni, and all other cast and crew involved in the making of the series The Mandalorian. I only own my original character, Zena Daruss, and her influences within the boundaries of this story. All videos, photos, quotations, or other media featured belong to their respective owners, not to me. Any other reflection within this story to real-life or works of fiction is merely coincidental.]