Something was fired...
The door opened slowly, and a weak voice spoke out. A soft one replied:
"You'll be safe." A hand was outstretched, and a smaller one reached out.
Then a black van.
A red skull.
And... Project Light was born.
At age 6, pure electricity was injected into her veins. But not only did Hydra give her powers, but they also use them to control her. Project Light is by far one of the best they have at Hydra, along with a few others. But what happens if she gets caught... If she escapes what will they do to her when she gets back? Is freedom finally an opportunity?
Though what if one of the worlds most deadly assassin, the Winter Soldier, feel protective of her. What will happen then? And what then, if meets a not-so-old friend? And if... old feelings bubble back up to the surface...
- ʜᴀɪʟʜʏᴅʀᴀ