"We're like that beauty and the beast tale... except you're a lot more beauty than beast."
fundywastaken ~ if you're not comfortable with the ship, then don't read it. this is just a repost from ao3 where I originally posted it.
The classic Dream team meet up story
Just some dnf.
Also!! Doubt this will ever get popular enough to but please don't mention this to any cc's! Although I am (to my understanding) staying within only what they (and I) are comfortable with, it's just weird lmao so please don't.
Disclaimer; I don't actually ship them. They're both actual people and I'm not trying to act like they are attracted to each other. This work is honestly a defense mechanism to deal with my anxiety in a healthy manner. Please respect the original ccs. They're not together.
Also this was originally written on AO3, by me @Space_Boy_writes_fanfics