Lila's really done it. She's taken away everyone from Marinette. Well, not everyone. When Chloe creates a group chat called "Marinette Protection Squad", stuffs about to go down.
65 million years ago your species was driven to the very brink of extinction. Reawaking in the present as one of the last of your kind. Finding the planet the same as you left it. What would you do to save the future of your race?
Taking the place of the nameless Warrior. A guard of the royal family and one of the last true Klaxo-sapiens on earth. The lives of every member of your kind rests on your shoulders. Which brings you to face the men, monsters, and the demons in between your goal. For failure means extinction and victory means survival. A survival you're willing to fight for, no matter the cost.
(Note: Rewrites and Reworks in progress. Current progress: Pro.-C. 2 finished.)