Get your hair transformation. Get your confidence back and feel good from within. Our recommended system sells for a price of ₹29,900 while other options are available from ₹14,900. Raw remy hair is real human hair that has not undergone any chemical treatment. It is the highest quality hair available. Your system's hair can be fully customised. We have options for different hair colour shades, hair densities, hair waviness/curliness, grey hair percentage. After witnessing many friends and family members dealing with hair loss, we realized that despite trying everything from medicines, topicals, home remedies and hair transplants it was not possible to have a perfect head of hair. We felt it was high time that a permanent, safe and guaranteed way to have full hair is made available to the average Indian man at affordable prices. The Mens Toupee near me system has a life of about 6 to 12 months depending on how well it is maintained. You can expect a life of 9 months comfortably if you just take simple maintenance steps. We will educate you about how to best maintain the system as part of the installation process.