📍My favorite thing to do is to go where I've never been, but I never expected it to take me there! ~Anonymous 📍Sometimes the beginning is the end, but the end of one thing often leads to the beginning of something much greater. ~Esther Bowen 💫 This is the story of a Confession like no other. A confession so great, it revealed all the things that had taken place unknowingly to anyone. Only she saw it. Only she could piece together all of it to reveal the hidden truth - an unintentional blindness that caused the lot to be unaware of what was lurking in the shadows - but most importantly, of what it was trying to tell them all along. Sadly... it was too late. The deed, had already, been done! 💫 Word Count: 40,000 to 60,000. Chapters: 50 Genre: Mystery/thriller Sub Genres: Horror, Fiction, Adventure, Romance Author: Esther Bowen (@Heart_of_God) 🍀NB: This story is the first of its kind and is solely derived, created and written from the author's imaginations and love for the Mystery World. A book of this kind seen anywhere is not possible as the writer has never encountered such works related to this one or have not stolen the works and ideas of another Author. 🍀This is a pure work of fiction and any names of persons, places and events that occur are a possible coincidence to the real world and were solely based off of the writers' imagination. 🍀If you happen to come across this story on any other site apart from Wattpad, you are at risk of contracting a virus, malware or trojan. 🍀If this story is found to be translated by another user, you're not familiar with here on Wattpad, please let me know. Rankings: #1 in Disclosure~30/12/2020All Rights Reserved
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