In the aftermath of the failed invasion led by the malevolent Lord Knonus and his Council, a delicate peace settles over Earth, Ebon, and the realms beyond. Six years, six months, and six days have passed since Knonus's demise, yet the scars of battle linger, both physical and emotional. Some have fallen in the defense of their world, some bear the permanent marks of conflict, and others have lost the will to fight altogether.
However, this hard-won peace is shattered when a new threat emerges, more insidious and formidable than anything the world has faced before. The Goddess of War, a powerful and enigmatic figure, orchestrates a sinister plan that threatens to plunge the world into darkness once more. Saints from all corners of Earth and Ebon find themselves facing enemies that defy comprehension, horrors beyond their worst nightmares.
As secrets unravel and ancient prophecies come to light, a disparate group of heroes - including the courageous Allen, the resilient Madison, the enigmatic Quinn, and the steadfast Thomas - must unite to confront this looming threat. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, they are joined by mysterious allies, some familiar and others shrouded in mystery.
Together, they embark on a perilous journey that will test their courage, loyalty, and strength in ways they never imagined. As the final battle draws near, the question looms large: Can this ragtag band of heroes stand against the overwhelming power of the Goddess of War and her malevolent forces? Will the world find salvation or be doomed to eternal darkness? Join them on this epic quest in the concluding chapter of their saga, where the ultimate destiny of Earth and its inhabitants will be decided.