In the distant future, the Japanese government has established the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School, dedicated to instruct and foster the generation of people that will support the country in the future. The students are given a high degree of freedom in order to closely mimic real life. The story follows the perspective of Kiyotaka Ayanokōji, a quiet and unassuming boy who is not good at making friends and would rather keep his distance. He is a student of D-class, which is where the school dumps its inferior students. After meeting Suzune Horikita and Kikyō Kushida, two other students in his class, Kiyotaka's situation begins to change. P.S. This series is honestly one of the BEST out there. So even if the description ain't that great be sure to try it out. I'm planning to publish all volumes here so if updates are kinda slow, I'm sorry for that~ Disclaimer: I do not own Classroom of The Elite. All credit goes to Shōgo Kinugasa for this amazing work. I am merely publishing it on this site. Thank you~
4 parts