28 parts Ongoing A Subnautica AU which has turned from Emeraldduo to Qsmp + Techno
Cover art done by me :)
The sight that greeted him was equally as breathtaking as it was terrifying.
Deep blue water surrounded his pod, which had thankfully triggered the detection system and had made his pod use it's floating devices. The colors looked familiar, almost normal. Nothing but vast ocean, no islands, no distant shores. Nothing. It almost seemed like he was just stranded in an ocean on earth, if it weren't for the giant planet he could clearly see in the sky. Either this water planet was an orbiting moon to that large red planet, or that was a very large moon orbiting this planet.
But that wasn't even the worst of it all. Because a couple miles away, the remains of the large exploded ship sat half submerged in the water, lifeless and silent. Some fires were still burning, now fueled by the new oxygen this planet provides. It stung, seeing it like this. It would have been his only way home, his only way of calling for help. But he doubts that any of the radio systems were still working. No long range communication to other ships or even a space station or two. And the systems of his own pod were fried too.
He was completely stuck.