Episode 1: A New Hope // Luke Skywalker
8 Bagian Lengkap DewasaAria.
A simple girl.
Living a not so simple life.
Aria has no recollection of who her parents are and what they were like, only that she was really born on Coruscant and they had been killed by the Sith Lord, Darth Vader. She now lives with her wise old uncle, Ben Kenobi, on the desert planet of Tatooine. The planet was scarcely populated where they lived, the closest settlement was the Mos Eisley spaceport. During their time on Tatooine, Ben has been training her in what she's only heard old legends about, the Force. The Force was a mysterious and curious thing, an old wives tale among many that weren't around during the time of the Jedi Order. Ben had told her many tales of the time, including adventures he used to have in his younger days, even with one of her good friends' father. Their days were relatively peaceful, until they receive a message from Princess Leia. This message sends them on the adventure of a lifetime throughout the galaxy, with love and even death along the way.