The Resistance has been growing for nearly two decades, within walls untainted by the lies the rest of the city has fallen prey to. They see Titus for what it is; not a special force designed to keep them safe, but rather a brutally corrupt unit who wishes to exploit the specially gifted for their own gain. They have been fighting from the shadows, attempting to help where they can, getting a little closer with each passing day to finally exposing Titus and taking back their city.
But this story isn't about the journey of this powerful group of people and how they overthrew their oppressors to provide a better life for everyone.
No, this is the tale of Anna Jay Kailander, or AJ as she's often called, a teen who has spent her entire life in the Resistance. With her parents missing, potentially dead, it's up to AJ to continue the Kailander legacy of being some of the best fighters out there. Everyone is sure she will become the next greatest legend; except for AJ herself. Scared of her uncontrollable powers and the pressure she is forced to live up to, AJ finds herself teamed up with four others as they are sent on their first mission, which could make or break their future.
While not all may go as planned, AJ may just find that the best things in life are often unexpected.