Coyle, an orphan human boy living in the woods has a tiny weapon that could potentially be the start of chaos in the magical world of Adelia. Chased by an otherworldly creature, Coyle meets an elf from this magical world, who will guide him through saving the world. Note: The front cover drawing is not my own- credits go to the artist: (Sorry I don't know how to link on this) Also- I'm posting the first 5 chapters now because I already had a story in a document so right now I'm just copying and pasting. The next chapters I'll try to update weekly (if I don't have much work that week). I'm so sorry but I don't think I'll be using Wattpad for my writing anymore because I still need to go back and edit sometimes so good bye! Please remember though that just because I'm not continuing my story here didn't mean I'm not continuing it elsewhere. All Rights ReservedAll Rights Reserved